Join Us for the 2024 Season

  • The Eastern Rivers Ski Club is affiliated to British Water Ski
  • The Eastern Rivers Ski Club is required to make a payment to British Water Ski for each member. These payments are listed below
  • If you have already joined British Water Ski, the affiliation fee will NOT be required but proof of a valid membership number for 2024 must be supplied
  • Subscription rates for the Eastern Rivers Ski Club includes a fee per member for Club Funds. These payments are also listed below
  • Club funds are used to protect and promote water skiing on the Broadland Rivers and are kept to a bare minimum
  • Membership is 1st April to 31st March
  • Failure to follow these instructions correctly or provide the necessary information will result in a delay to your membership being confirmed, as we will need to contact you to verify details.

Please read through the membership options below and choose the membership package that is right for you.

For your membership to be valid, you must complete the Online Form and pay your membership via bank transfer.

Membership payments should be made to our NatWest account (please use your surname as the reference)
Account Name:           EASTERN RIVERS SKI CLUB
Account Number:       77631552
Sort Code:                    60-15-31
Please note that for memberships to be valid you must complete the payment via bank transfer or email for an alternative payment method.
Once you have completed the form and payment you will receive an email with your membership number. Please note that you will receive your membership number once your payment has been verified - please allow up to 7 days for this to happen.

Note: If you do not receive your membership number, please check your Junk E-mail folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there instead of your inbox.

Membership Conditions

Family membership is two adults and unlimited children in the same household

One parent/one child in the same household

Junior membership applies to those under 18 years old

Student membership applies to those in full time education aged between 18 and 23


Groups BWS Fee Club Fee Total Price
Single Member £67.00 £20.00 £87.00
Family Member £116.00 £25.00 £141.00
One Parent / One child £91.00 £18.00 £109.00
Junior £26.00 £12.00 £38.00
Student £36.00 £12.00 £48.00

A) Boat owners must apply to the Broads Authority for a skiing permit.

B) Boat owners and skiers must belong to the Eastern Rivers Ski Club and British Water Ski and Wakeboard.

C) All boat drivers must pass the SBD2 (Ski Boat Drivers Award).

D) All boats must have Public Liability Insurance (as approved by BWSW).

The Eastern Rivers Ski Club is affiliated to British Water Ski.

The Eastern Rivers Ski Club is required to make a payment to British Water Ski for each member. These payments are listed above.

If you have already individually joined British Water Ski, the membership fee will NOT be required but proof of a valid membership number must be supplied to

Subscription rates for the Eastern Rivers Ski Club includes a fee per member for club funds. These payments are also listed above.